

Reviews of most of the Super Soakers!: Awesome Water Gun Reviews
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This year likes like another great year for water-fights. If you're smart, you won't just use Super Soakers, but you'll use other things. Of course water ballons, but much more. Want to know them? Go to the top of the page and click tips. Want to recieve a cool weekly newsletter?Click Drenched! Newsletter! It keeps you up to dtae with the best stuff! Want to trade Super Soakers or parts, click trade center! Want to know what Super Soaker is right for you and your money? Click reviews at the top of the page. Ever feel like going to Larami's homepage or e-mail them? Go to www.supersoaker.com! They have a place to submit your page to there site! Want your link on my page? I'll make a deal, you put a link to my page and I will put a link to your page. Please sign my guestbook, it helps me make my site better if you give your opinon. I soon hope to add a newsletter archive list, after I finish with the reviews.

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